PORT RÌGH/ PORTREE (Gàidhlig) (English)

Bidh an Sgoil-shàmhraidh Dràma againn a’ gabhail àite ann am Port Righ eadar 4 agus 8 den Iuchair* is tha i fosgailte do sgoilearan àrd-sgoile a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig. *Thèid àite-fuirich aig ostail na Sgoile a chur air dòigh do thagraichean a bhios a’ siubhail a Phort Rìgh air Didòmhnaich 2 Iuchar.

’S e cothrom fìor mhath a th’ anns an Sgoil-shamhraidh do dh’òigridh san àrd-sgoil cur ri na sgilean cleasachd aca as t-samhradh ge bith dè an ìre aig a bheil iad. Chan eil e gu diofar ma tha torr eòlais aca no mura h-eil iad air dràma fheuchainn riamh nam beatha, ach dìreach gu bheil ùidh aca ann. A bharrachd air an cuid sgilean cleasachd a leasachadh tro eacarsaichean agus buthan-obrach dràma, bidh mòran a’ cur luach anns a’ chothrom cur ri na sgilean làbhairt aca sa Ghàidhlig anns na bùthan-obrach agus le compàirtichean eile.

Cosgaidh e £150, le taic ri fhaotainn do chuid de theaghlaichean ma bhios sin a dhìth le bursaraidh tro Urras Shìm MhicCoinnich. Chan eil mòran àiteannan rim faotainn ‘s mar sin feuch gun lìon sibh am foirm-iarrtais ro 9 An t-Ògmhios 2023.

Mas aithne dhuibh sgoilearan àrd-sgoile aig am biodh ùidh innt bhithinn fada nur comainn nan dèanadh sibh beagan shanasachd dhomh sna seachdainean a tha ri thighinn.

Lorgar tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, postair agus ceangal gu foirm-iarrtais air loidhne air ar làrach lin aig

Foirm-iarrtais (Dà-chànanach)

This year’s Gaelic Drama Summer School will be taking place in Portree between the 3rd and 8th of July and it’s open to high-school aged pupils fluent in Gaelic. *Accommodation at the School hostel wil be provided for participants travelling to Portree on Sunday 2nd July. The school costs £150, with support available to low-income families through the Simon Mackenzie Trust (Urras Shìm MhicCoinnich). Places are limited, so please ensure you have applied before 9th June 2023 using the online form here to avoid disappointment.

The Gaelic Drama Summer School is a great opportunity for teenagers to develop their acting skills. It doesn’t matter whether they have lots of experience in drama or whether they’re trying it for the first time, all they need is an interest. As well as developing their acting skills through exercises and workshops throughout the week, many value the opportunity to develop their Gaelic speaking skills with the tutors and with other participants their own age.

If you know of any high school aged pupils that may be interested in participating i’d be very grateful if you could let them or their parents know about the opportunity.

More information, a poster and a link to a bilingual application form can be found on our website at

Application form (Bilingual)