Seachdain na Gàidhlig

Seachdain na Gàidhlig

Thigibh gu Cafaidh na Gàidhlig! The pupils of GM1-7 at Millbank Primary would like to invite you to their Cafaidh na Gàidhlig at the school on 27th February, 1.30pm. You can expect music, food and good craic. All are welcome – they will be sharing Gaelic culture...
FilmG – Millbank Primary School Entry

FilmG – Millbank Primary School Entry

FilmG is an annual short-film competition that finds, nurtures, and develops new talent for Gaelic media and this year, Millbank Primary has submitted a fantastic entry! ’S e farpais bhliadhnail film-goirid a th’ ann am FilmG, a tha a’ lorg, ag àrach agus a’...
Leugh is Seinn le Linda

Leugh is Seinn le Linda

Leugh is Seinn le Linda – Read and Sing with Linda Nairn Community and Arts Centre, Saturday 4th November, 11am All welcome | Fàilte oirbh Madainn spòrsail le sgeulachdan agus òrain còmhla ri Linda NicLeòid. A fun morning of Gaelic stories and songs with Linda...
Comann nam Pàrant – EGM 14th June

Comann nam Pàrant – EGM 14th June

Extraordinary General Meeting Wednesday, 14 June, 2023 8pm-9pm, on Zoom In the last few years, the CnP committee has been running with a skeletal number of members, all of whom also work full-time jobs. Despite limited time and resources, CnP has been successful in...
Gaelic Drama Summer School for GM Secondary pupils – BOOKING NOW!

Gaelic Drama Summer School for GM Secondary pupils – BOOKING NOW!

SGOIL-SHAMHRAIDH DRÀMA 2023 3 – 8 IUCHAR/ JULY* PORT RÌGH/ PORTREE (Gàidhlig) (English) Bidh an Sgoil-shàmhraidh Dràma againn a’ gabhail àite ann am Port Righ eadar 4 agus 8 den Iuchair* is...
Shrek ann an Inbhir Narann

Shrek ann an Inbhir Narann

Gaelic medium pupils of Millbank Primary present ‘Shrek ann an Inbhir Narann’. Join us at Nairn Community Centre on 23rd February at 3.30pm to see a brand new play following the adventures of Shrek and friends in Nairn. If you were an ogre, where would you...