Extraordinary General Meeting

Wednesday, 14 June, 2023

8pm-9pm, on Zoom

In the last few years, the CnP committee has been running with a skeletal number of members, all of whom also work full-time jobs. Despite limited time and resources, CnP has been successful in securing funding for art, drama, sports and other extra-curricular activities; organising social events ranging from walks to tree-planting to the Seachdainn na Gàidhlig cèilidh; producing promotional materials and launching the website NairnGaelic.scot; not to mention bringing shinty back to Nairn. We have campaigned to get a better deal from Highland Council and to provide opportunities for our children to regularly use Gaelic as a natural part of their everyday social lives. It hasn’t always been plain sailing and certainly our communication could have been better, but we have made the best of what was available — yet much more remains to be done.

Unfortunately, all three named officers on the committee have increasingly heavy professional and personal commitments that leave them without time to continue in their positions, and the remaining committee members are equally time poor. We desperately need new blood with fresh ideas and broader representation of all the levels of Gaelic Medium Education in Nairn. At the minimum, the committee must have one representative from each of the following:-

                        * Nairn Gaelic Baby & Toddler Group

                        * Cròileagan Inbhir Narainn

                        * Millbank GM C1-3

                        * Millbank GM C4-7

                        * Nairn Academy

If you value the work that CnP does in Nairn, if you feel it is going in the wrong direction, if you have any thoughts about how it could function better, if you have any time at all, then please attend this meeting. Unless parents support it, Comann nam Pàrant will cease to exist in Nairn.

If you wish to attend, please email CnPInbhirNarainn@gmail.com for the Zoom link.