
Please don’t worry if you do not speak any Gaelic – your child can still access GM education! And the benefits of bilingualism in general are numerous – you can read all about them on the Bilingualism Matters website. If you are considering GM for your child, there is lots of information available online, and some of the benefits of bilingualism are listed on the Bòrd na Gàidhlig website.

Gaelic For Parents is a website to help you to help your child. The site is bursting with games, stories, audio and much more. There are sections devoted to all age groups from 0 to Primary 7. The Storyworld Reading Scheme that is used at Millbank Primary School has audio recordings on the site – you’ll know if your child is reading the words correctly simply by listening to the book. There’s even a “homework help” section.

BBC Scotland have a great link page to access lots of Gaelic resources.  Have a look to see what you can find.

If you are interested in learning some Gaelic yourself, there is lots to find on the internet.  Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, the Gaelic college in Sleat, Isle of Skye offers a variety of Gaelic learning opportunities which you can find here. Similarly, Ceòlas in South Uist has a rich Gaelic offering and there are presently six Scottish Universities delivering Gaelic related courses nationally. Highland Council also offer Gaelic learning courses which are offered at reduced rates to parents of GME children.  


Other useful links include:

Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta), the umbrella body for Comann nam Pàrant groups, is a registered charity in Scotland whose main aim is “to promote and support the establishment and maintenance of education through the medium of Gaelic”. Their website also has a selection of videos in which parents and practitioners discuss various aspects of Gaelic Medium Education.

The Highland Council video, “Educational Growth” explains the benefits of Gaelic Medium Education and of being bilingual.

Stòrlann Naiseanta na Gàidhlig is a Government funded group that providing books, resources, support and advice for young people and teachers in Gaelic education. Their website has support for parents of children in Gaelic Medium Education, including live advice on homework.

Comhairle nan Leabhraichean (The Gaelic Books Council) – you can purchase a full range of books and CDs through the website, or visit their shop in Glasgow.